This is where EyeSee comes to life for me – I love the fact that we could look at where the people’s eyeballs were looking on the page, we could get their engagement of what they click on as areas of interest, and then tie all of that together with a customer survey that goes on top of that. To be able to really utilize these three big bodies of information, we can understand on any given page are consumers even seeing the pieces of real estate that are on the page; if they see it, do they even care about it. We actually had one element on the page that was really passionate for us on our product description page, and we put a lot of value.
We found that only 34% of people saw what we were putting on the page, and of those, only 2-4% were clicking on it.
So it was a huge revelation for us as well. We were able to target some of those quantitative questions to gauge do consumers even care about this, maybe that’s why they are not looking for it, perhaps that’s why they are not seeing it. Being able to go at the research from those three areas is super valuable.