What is the relationship between insights gained from consumer research and those obtained from passive data?


There are two different types of data: primary research data and the data that we have from our own system, from the funnel conversion, etc.

Magic happens when you marry both those data sets, but it is easier said than done.

As researchers, we tend to get very academic about it a lot of times, and we want to do it in a proper way. But what’s the purpose of doing it in the first place, right? The purpose of doing it in the first place is to generate some actionable insights or some action or initiative which essentially moves certain KPIs.

At the end of the day, you are pushing the envelope in terms of getting that additional data or pulling people’s loyalty or motivation. That’s the name of the game at the end of the day.

What are the key success factors in Asia when distinguishing between online platforms?


Broadly speaking, there are two different facets to this.

There are different considerations for different products, but one thing that cuts across is the selection of things, access to all these brands, and the variety to purchase.

The selection is always going to be one of the top reasons why I would come and buy on your platform. The second aspect would be pricing: offers, deals, sales. Delivery time is also important, but it is more prevalent for folks in the metro areas who have access to a hyperlocal delivery system.

People definitely want things right here and now – that majority is coming from the metro population.