Is there a better way to do NPD communication?

I think we’re always trying to figure out this whole first moment of truth, mainly because consumers really only take a few seconds to look at a package – or another way to look at it is that you only have a few seconds to really jump out on the shelf.

90% of the grocery shopping is stuff consumers always buy

A lot of people that I talk to will say they like to try new products, and I believe that because a lot of people do. But I don’t think it means every single category in the grocery store. My guess would be 90% of the grocery shopping is stuff they always buy, and then maybe to get to the chip aisle and are looking for something new, and they might slow down. But for the rest of that 90%, they’re just going to look for the normal stuff that they typically are buying. So if you have something new, it’s just difficult to jump out on the shelf.

I don’t really have an answer in terms of how we do it better other than – what we’ve been doing is trying to do it more. What I mean by that is, instead of doing one test where we’re trying to understand the first moment of truth, maybe we’re doing a couple or maybe we are bringing it earlier in the process to truly understand that.

How have the changes in consumer behavior impacted the process of NPD?

With new product development, the difficult thing is that

+80% of new products fail

And while our processes changed some, because of changing consumer habits and the pandemic – really over the years, it’s just changing because when 80% of the products fail, you’re always trying to do better. So I think every company is really trying to improve their new product process and get better at it. For us,

what it really comes down to is just to better understand consumer habits, what are their wants, what are their needs

– and doing a lot of research around there to understand those habits along with just learning how to better communicate at the first moment of truth and how do we do better from a marketing support standpoint.

What are some of the main reasons for new product failures?

Whenever you have an 80% failure rate, you are going to have a lot of reasons why something is not working. The four reasons I’ve seen why innovation doesn’t always work are, firstly, just understanding consumer behavior.

The second one is in product development, and the third one is in communicating the product or the first moment of truth. And finally, in marketing support – which I don’t have a lot of experience in because I am not a marketing person, but I do see a lot of issues there. I think we sometimes try to get more information out of consumers than what is realistic. When you show the consumers a concept or a product, or a package, it’s pretty easy for them to say that they like it or if they don’t. What is really difficult is questioning beyond that – such as ‘when do you think you would use this product’ or ‘who would use this product’, ‘how do you think it is going to taste’ – some of these things are difficult to really understand because sometimes we get good answers, but sometimes we don’t – and so I think we expect a bit too much.

Another big thing is the whole ‘do-say’ gap of what consumers say versus what they do, so what I try to do to build empathy is putting myself in consumers’ shoes about the questions we are asking.

What are some lessons learned over the years – when it comes to NPD?

There are a number of lessons that I’ve learned over the years in innovation – one being that

people just seem more comfortable and more honest when they are in their own house.

They have an easier time admitting that maybe they had a chocolate donut for breakfast, or that they have chips sometimes in the afternoon, or that maybe they don’t always read the nutrition facts on the back of a package.

They are more comfortable and it seems like just our insights are just a lot better.

So, that’s one of those things that I’m definitely going to be carrying forward.

How does General Mills approach the innovation process?

I would say we really work to understand consumers’ unmet needs and then try to figure out what are the products that fit those needs. But, that isn’t perfect because, for example, when Apple introduced the iPhone, they introduced a product that consumers didn’t even know they needed – that obviously became a gigantic success.

So, along with just trying to understand what our consumers’ unmet needs are, we are trying to understand what are their needs they don’t even know that they have.

At a high level, it really involves a lot of both quantitative and qualitative research.