Is there something big companies can learn from smaller ones?

Many things. First of all – the agile approach is something that we as a big system could not say was one of our key advantages in the past. We are heavily learning from small companies and are now applying many agile principles in the way we operate. Uncertainty is something that is an everyday situation that small companies are managing.

For us, being big, we were trying to remove uncertainties – but now we are learning how to accept it as a way of doing business and dealing with it each and every day.

Many small companies have a super-efficient and authentic vision and mission with a purpose – which when you are big and with a wide portfolio means you need to cover the needs of a different part of the business so you can not be so focused on the vision and mission. Then there is high engagement internally among the employees and externally, especially with the consumers. Something which they can be really proud of, and we are learning from them and trying to apply consistent interaction with their consumer and basing the business model on that interaction. And finally – alternative channels. Big companies usually tend to go to the mainstream channels to distribute products there, while smaller companies are trying to go the other way around and plug into the alternative channels to build the brand and the product there.